The Vault

Money Management Trust Fund

The State Treasury Money Management Trust – or STMMT – is a mechanism for state agencies and local governments to invest idle cash funds.  Those entities can take advantage of the volume and experience offered by the State Treasury.

Quarterly Reports

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I participate?
    • Eligible enrollees are state agency’s cash funds as defined in ACA § 19-4-801; local governments; any city, county, school district, or community college district of this state; and any department, instrumentality, or agency of these entities.  Entities that wish to participate should complete the STMMT Participation Application Form, available online at FORMS on this website.
  • How much will it cost?
    • There is simply an administration charge of $15 for withdrawals or transfers from an STMMT account to a State Treasury Fund. There will be no charge for deposits and no charge for transfers from one STMMT account to another STMMT account.
  • What is the minimum deposit to open an account?
    • The minimum deposit to open an STMMT account is $1,000. All deposits must be made electronically by either wire transfer or ACH.
  • How will I know how much money I have in my STMMT account?
    • The STMMT will e-mail a monthly statement to each participant. That statement will show account transactions and interest earned in the month for which the most recent distribution is made. The statement will be emailed on or about the 5th of the month following the distribution date.

Money Management Trust Contact Form

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Participants are advised to fully understand all risks associated with any kind of investing they choose. Invested funds, including principal and any interest earned, are not guaranteed or insured by the Arkansas Treasury, the State of Arkansas, or the FDIC. The underlying investments are subject to market risk and loss of principal. The STMMT is not a registered Money Market Fund and is not regulated by the SEC. Past performance is not indicative of future results.